Thursday, September 4, 2008

long time no write

i thought with my h'band away i would write and paint and generally flourish. instead i watched films on dvd and tv serials and read. occassionally i checked emails or played games on the internet - favourites being word games like text-twist, bookworm and puzzles - mahjong is up there on number one then bejeweled, jewel quest, tetrus etc. i used to be a big fan of ceaser-III but have not got around to that in a while.

anyway one of the reasons for not blogging was that i wanted more anonimity. the kind of thoughts and feelings i was going through i did not really want to post them up there. but that is the whole idea of the blog to be honest with what is. yet thoughts and feelings are such ephemeral beings i may not feel the same tomorrow but it will be up there on the blog and if tomorrow's feelings have not been written and put up then people will assume that is the way i still feel. not that that many people read the blog anyways, but even then more anonimity would mean i could be more honest. contradiction in terms? i wonder!

i saw a wonderful film called 'adaptation'. it is about the adaptation of a book into a film. the screenplay writer is a fat balding socially-challenged guy, who is kind of stuck in his life. so he wants the film to reflect that where nothing much ever happens and his twin brother is staying with him and writes a script for the first time packed with hollywood cliches and churns out a successful potboiler and our film too incorporates all of that while spoofing it in such a subtle way. i find the ouroborus comment very fitting. it could have been too self-explanatory but the way it is done, it fits. the film stars meryl streep as a new york journalist and nicolas cage as the script writer. but the exceptional acting comes from chris cooper, the orchid hunter, who got an academy award for his performance.

another film i enjoyed watching was 'jane austen book club'. i guess i enjoy most films where life reflects fiction reflects life. for example 'stranger than fiction' and there was 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind', though not quite the earlier theme of fiction/life being one, but it sits on the edge of reality and questions it or looks whimsically at it and that is fun. that finds a parallel with my inner reality and both reassures me and challenges me at the same time.

1 comment:

Manjushree Abhinav said...

hi, darling,

to me, blogging is letting go of thoughts, not storing them up.

it matters not what others think of what i thought, even that is ephemeral...

its great that you are thinking adaptations, we might get lucky now and get a producer to re-script the novel ..:)