Monday, July 7, 2008

a start

and this is my first blog. what shall i say that is suitably profound or spontaneous or deep and meaningful without being too ponderous and serious?

firstly that i am inspired to blog my dear friend manju's blog

and that i have had this idea for some time now to write an open journal a sort of stream of consciousness diary that explores the self and the Self underneath or rather pervading all through, in the surface as well as the depths, in the self as well as the other and the world or rather the universe at large. therefore the title a take on 'i am that that thou art'.

that is the goal and if you can imagine and believe you are there, then that is where you are.

the writing may not always be so deep as i will attempt to put forth all that comes to mind and at times it might be just the tv serial i watched this morning, 'dharma and greg'. i enjoy the play between the contradictions yin and yang 'ultra rich and not so rich', 'conservative and experimental', 'hip and yuppy', 'profit motivated and the nature nurturers' etc. etc.

possibly because my marraige plays between the 'scientific and spiritual' 'rational and mystical'
'intellectual and emotional' axises or is it axii?

and now i am hungry and also ought to have a bath.

1 comment:

Manjushree Abhinav said...

A lovely beginning, reminds me of the song in Sound of Music,

'Lets start at the very beginning, a very good place to start...'

Hope to see more of you, now that the blogging bug has bitten you...